What competition or events are there in Culfest 2019, which is a cultural fest of NIT Jamshedpur? | nitjsr

Culfest i.e the Annual Cultural fest of National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur is one of the most brilliant Cultural fests of India. The Participation as well as the excitement level of students for this fest is reknown in almost every technical Institution of Eastern India. Culfest, as we know it, has it's own variety of events as well as competitions where the hidden talents of brilliant young minds get an exposure on an Inter-college level. Talking about CULFEST 19, I think this is gonna help you. :
Brilliant, isn't it ?
Can't say enough but if you want to get a sneak-peak of the last year's Culfest, I've got just the thing for you.

You can redirect using the above link to PHOCUS the Official Photography Page of NIT, Jamshedpur, for a wider view of how lit the Culfest is.
Also you can visit Culfest 2019 for the official overview.
Pardon the grammatical errors and thank you for your time.

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