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Engineering books download

1-Engineering mathematics-Ist

2- Engineering mathematics-IInd

Engineering Mathematics 1st-year pdf Notes

To impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering. To apply advanced matrix knowledge to Engineering problems and  equip themselves familiar with the functions of several variables.  familiarize with the applications of differential equations. As To improve their ability in solving geometrical applications of differential calculus problems To expose to the concept of three-dimensional analytical geometry.

B.tech 1st-year Maths Notes Pdf Download

Engineering mathematics  textbook pdf free download Download
first year engineering  mathematics notesDownload
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Engineering mathematics 3 question papers pdfDownload
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Suggested Books for Engineering Mathematics -1st year

  •  Kreyszig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics , Wiley ,9th edition.
  • Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th edition
  •  Dass H.K., Introduction to engineering Mathematics, S.Chand & Co Ltd, 11th edition
  •  Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, TMH, Ist edition
  •  J.Sinha Roy and S Padhy, A course on ordinary and partial differential Equation, Kalyani Publication , 3rd edition
  •  Kreyszig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics ,Wiley ,9th edition.
  •  Shanti Narayan and P.K.Mittal, Differential Calculus, S. Chand, reprint 2009
  •  Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers,36th edition
  •  Dass H.K., Introduction to engineering Mathematics, S.Chand & Co Ltd, 11th edition
  • Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, TMH, 1st edition
  • J.Sinha Roy and S Padhy , A course on ordinary and partial differential Equation , Kalyani Publication , 3rd edition
  • chakraborty and Das; Principles of transportation engineering; pHI
  • Rangwala SC; Railway Engineering; charotar publication House, Anand
  •  Rangwala sc; Bridge Engineering; charotar publication House, Anand
  •  Ponnuswamy; Bridge Engineering; TMH
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>Engineering books download

1-Engineering mathematics-Ist

2- Engineering mathematics-IInd

Engineering Mathematics 1st-year pdf Notes